martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Witchcraft persecution

In the period of 1500-1750 it was legally sanctioned and involving official witchcraft trials.
People in Switzerland think that witches make pacts with the devil, giving them special powers, they said that they didn't talk to the devil alone, they were always in groups or coven. 

In 17th century colonial North America, the supernatural was part of everyday life, for there was a strong belief that Satan was present and active on Earth. Witchcraft was then used by peasants, who invoked particular charms for farming and agriculture. Over time, the idea of white magic transformed into dark magic and became associated with demons and evil spirits.In 1688, John Putnam claimed that he could prove the existence of witches and ghosts of the supernatural realm. Glanvill wrote about the "denial of the bodily resurrection, and the supernatural spirits". 

Men and women in Salem believed that all the misfortunes were attributed to the work of the devil; when things like infant death, crop failures or friction among the congregation occurred, the supernatural was blamed. Because of the unusual size of the outbreak of witchcraft accusations, various aspects of the historical context of this episode have been considered as specific contributing factors.

Abigail WilliamsBetty ParrisAnn Putnam, Jr., and Elizabeth Hubbard began to have the power of Epileptic Fits or natural disease to effect. This resulted in the deaths of 25 citizens of Salem.

In the 18th century,were the las executions of people convicted as witches. Catherine Repond, was one of the last people to be executed for Sorcery in Switzerland prior to Anna Goldi. Catherine Repond was arrested in April 1731 and taken to a castle in Corbières, where she was interrogated by torture to confess that she had flown on a broomstick to the witche's sabbath. She was then taken to Fribourg, where she was sentenced to death for witchcraft and executed by strangulation and burning. In 1782, Anna Göldi, often called the last witch, was executed, but Göldi's trial was a dubious witch trial, while Repond was openly executed for this accusation.

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