jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

History Readings

There's constantly being made new discoveries in history, thanks to the archaelogists, like the dramatic 1600-square-foot Roman mosaic discovered last year, archaelogists excavate the part of the mosaic and they founs a life size marble head of Aphrodite face down in the soil. They also found a second mosaic, they found a square mosaic floor of geometric designs, fruits and flowers it was a temple mosaic.

Both mosaics will eventually be conserved and protected so visitors can enjoy their beauty.

Archaelogists believe that examinig declassified photograph that are taken during covert surveillance may herald a new era of discovery and that can help to identify a lot of new archaelogical heritage.
They said that they have enough evidence to demostrate the existence of a chronologically complex Roman frontier system.

Not everyone was involved in these findings, just professionals, like the archaelogists, because they were the ones that make this fingdings.

Archaelogists found another Pompeii, a fascinating slice of life and violent death in the Scandinavian Migration Period. During this period Scandinavians cremated their dead so few hole bodies have been found at all.

When the first round of excavation began to ward off looters who have been spotted, archaelogists found six beautiful gilged silver and bronze buckles.

In this article i learn more about the historical things that have been founded in the last years, it's awesome the things that the archaelogists have found, thanks to them we can have prooves of historical facts.

The dangers that these findings in the historic sites are exposed to are changes in the climate, overpopulation, overconsumption, or notequitables distribution of sources may lead to a general crisis.

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