martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Franco-Prussian War

This war, was a conflict between Francia and Prussia, the first modern war in europe. The cause of the conflict was the determination of the Prussian statesman Prince Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck to unify Germany under Prussian control and, as a step toward this goal, to eliminate French influence over Germany. 

Otto von Bismarck was one the greatest diplomats in history. Bismarck was The Prime Minister of Prussia, he was determined to unite the German states into a single empire. All he wanted to do was to unify the German states and his main priority was to help Prussia have one of the most powerful and greatest army in all of Europe, which he accomplished.  He tricked France into declaring war on Prussia and he took some territories and ordered for France to pay certain quantity of money to Germany. 

The Franco-Prussian war resulted in the defeat and fall of the French Empire of Napoleon the Third and the advent of the Second French Republic also it was the end of Napoleon’s 3rd empire and so it started the third republic. It accomplished the unification of Italy.

During this war there were different types of guns used. Some of them affected drastically the advantage between countries. The Germans invented the Dreyse, it was heavy and had gas problems which affect for bad the aiming. Also the rifles gave advantage because they were faster and produced greater damage, and mitrailleuse lasted more in combat so they had more advantage.

There are different types of weapons The needle guns that it is a firearm and has a needlelike firing pin and it can pass through paper cartridge case to strike a percussion cap at the bullet base. A breech-loading weapon and muzzle-loading weapon are kind of different.  A breech-loading weapon is a firearm in which the cartridge or shell is inserted or loaded at the rear of the barrel. The muzzle weapons are charged from the open end of the barrel. 

The commune Paris it was Paris against French government. was a revolutionary andsocialist government that briefly ruled ParisDuring the period of the Commune it was a time of great suffering because of the Social and economic life was depressing. Living circumstances and there were rumors of a civil war coming. 

Independence of Paraguay

The Viceroyalty of Peru and the Audiencia of Charcas had nominal authority over Paraguay, while Madrid largely neglected the colony. The governors of Paraguay had no royal troops at their disposal and were instead dependent on a militia composed of colonists. Paraguayans took advantage of this situation and claimed that the 1537 cédula gave them the right to choose and depose their governors. The colony, and in particular the Asunción municipal council, earned the reputation of being in continual revolt against the crown. The French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the subsequent war in Europe weakened Spain's ability to maintain contact with and defend and control its colonies. When British troops attempted to seize Buenos Aires in 1806, the attack was repulsed by the city's residents, not by Spain.The Paraguayan royalists' ill-conceived actions inflamed nationalist sentiment. Believing that the Paraguayan officers who had beaten the porteños posed a direct threat to his rule, Governor Bernardo de Velasco dispersed and disarmed the forces under his command and sent most of the soldiers home without paying them for their eight months of service. Velasco previously had lost face when he fled the battlefield at Paraguarí, thinking Belgrano would win.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Battle of Nile (Extra Credit video)

The Battle of the Nile was fought in Aboukir bay near Alexandria, Egypt, on the 1st and 2nd of August 1798. The British fleet was under the command of Rear Admiral Horatio Nelson and the French fleet under Admiral Paul D'Brueys.

In 1798 the French Revolutionary general Napoleon Bonaparte planned an invasion of Egypt, in order to constrict Britain's trade routes and threaten its possession of India. The British government heard that a large French naval expedition was to sail from a French Mediterranean port under the command of Napoleon, and in response it ordered the Earl of St. Vincent, the commander in chief of the British Mediterranean fleet, to detach ships under Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson to reconnoitre off Toulon and to watch French naval movements there. But Nelson's own ship was dismasted in a storm, and his group of frigates, now dispersed, returned to the British base at Gibraltar. Meanwhile, St. Vincent sent Nelson more ships, which joined
Nelson on June 7, bringing his strength up to 14 ships of the line.

The French expedition eluded the British warships and sailed first for Malta, where the French seized control early in June. After spending a week at Malta, Napoleon sailed with his fleet for his main objective, Egypt. Meanwhile, Nelson had found Toulon empty and had correctly guessed the French objective, (which he outlines in a letter to George Baldwin the British Consul in Alexandria), but because he lacked frigates for reconnaissance, he missed the French fleet, reached Egypt first, found the port of Alexandria empty, except for Turkish ships and returned to Sicily, where his ships were resupplied. Nelsons letters and dispatches give a good idea of his frustration at cruising the Mediterranean in search of the French fleet.

Isaac Newton

(Extra credit video)

Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, and is considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be one of the most influential people in human history. His Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin for "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"; usually called the Principia), published in 1687, is one of the most important scientific books ever written. It lays the groundwork for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. 

Newton built the first reflecting telescope and developed a theory of colour based on the observation that a prism decomposes white light into the many colours that form the visible spectrum. He also formulated an empirical law of cooling and studied the speed of sound.

In mathematics, Newton shares the credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of differential and integral calculus. He also demonstrated the generalised binomial theorem, developed Newton's method for approximating the roots of a function, and contributed to the study of power series.