jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Metternich and Talleyrand

The two greatest international diplomats of the Napoleonic Era were the Austrian, Klemens von Metternich and the Frenchman, Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand. These two were important people on the Napoleonic Era and there is a really good comparison between them, in this essay I’m going to say the differences and the similarities of Metternich and Talleyrand.

Klemens von Metternich was a politician and statesman of Rhenish extraction and one of the most important diplomats of his era, serving as the Foreign Minister of the Austrian Empire from 1809 until the liberal revolutions of 1848 forced his resignation. Metternich found himself in the difficult position of representing Austria in the face of the overweening threats and
ambitious plans of Napoleon at the height of his power. He did so with dignity and firmness, as his report of his important audience with Napoleon on 15 August, 1808, shows. Soon after, however, he engineered Austria's entry into the War of the Sixth Coalition on the Allied side, signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau that sent Napoleon into exile.

Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, Prince of Benevento, Bishop of Autun, French minister and ambassador. He worked as foreign minister for the regime of Louis XVI, through several governments of the French Revolution and then for Napoleon. He was Napoleon's chief diplomatic aide. Most of the time, however, he worked for peace so as to consolidate France's gains. He succeeded in obtaining peace with Austria in the 1801 Treaty of Luneville and with Britain in the 1802 Treaty of Amiens. He resigned as foreign minister in August 1807 but Napoleon still trusted him. Talleyrand connived to undermine Napoleon's plans and secretly dealt with Tsar Alexander of Russia and the Austrian minister Metternich. When Napoleon fell, he took charge of the Bourbon restoration based on the principle of legitimacy. He played a major role at the Congress of Vienna, where he negotiated a favorable settlement for France while undoing Napoleon's conquests.

The Differences between Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand and Klemens Von Metternich; there’s no too many differences between these two ministers. Metternich was a minister of the Austrian Empire; Talleyrand was France’s foreign minister. Talleyrand worked for several governments and Metternich only for Napoleon. Napoleon considered more trustable Talleyrand than Metternich. Metternich was forced to resign and Talleyrand do it by his own.

The similarities of these two characters were more that the differences. They both were ministers and worked for Napoleon. Both changed the Austrian Empire. They were really good politicians and both made treaties.

 The present-day obscurity of both Talleyrand and Metternich surprises because they not only influenced their own times, but their political legacy continues to affect the world today. They both were really good politicians, there are differences and similarities between them, but they are really similar.