miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

House of Hanover

It was 1714 when a German Prince was crowned King George I of Great Britain, with this, start 

the beginning of a new political era, that saw the rise of the new role of Prime Minister, and 

established the pattern of political modernity that we are familiar with today. When, in 1789, the

 Bastille prison in Paris was stormed and the French Revolution began, few in Britain - least of 

all King George III, who was recovering from one of his bouts of madness - thought that it would 

lead to a cataclysmic war with France.

The Monarchs of the House of Hanover were King George I, King George II, King George 

III, King George IV, King William IV and the Queen Victoria.

Queen Anne, the last of the Stuarts, had 17 pregnancies which resulted in only three live births. 

 In 1700, the last of those three children, Prince William, Duke of Gloucester, died of smallpox 

six days after his eleventh birthday.  Parliament was faced with a succession crisis as it did not 

want the throne to go to a Roman Catholic.  The 1701 Act of Settlement  was passed giving the

 throne to the Electress Sophia of Hanover and her Protestant descendants.

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Massacre de la Saint Barthelemy

(extra credit)
The massacre happened on August, 1572. It was a massacre between protestants and      

catholics. This tragic episode of the wars of
religion is the result of a complex fight of multiple

 factors.There was a lot of reasons and causes for why this happened, like the wedding of the 

king's sister Margaret to the Protestant Henry III of Navarret. This marriage was an occasion for

 which many of the most wealthy and prominent Huguenots had gathered in largely 

Catholic Paris, the assassination of  Gaspard de Coligny, the military and political leader of the

 Huguenots. The king ordered the killing of a group of Huguenot leaders, including Coligny, and

 the slaughter spread throughout Paris. Lasting several weeks, the massacre expanded 

outward to other urban centres and the countryside.

A list of those to be killed was drawn up, headed by Coligny, who was brutally beaten and 

thrown out of his bedroom window just before dawn on August 24. Once the killing started, 

mobs of Catholic Parisians, apparently overcome with bloodlust, began a general massacre of 

Huguenots. The massacre also marked a turning point in the French Wars of Religion.

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

"January 28, 1986"/ GALAXIES

This song is by Owl City, this  is comformed  by Adam Young. Owl City is one of Young's many solo projects, with all music written, composed, recorded, and produced by him. During live performances he is accompanied by a group of supporting musicians. He plays synthpop and electronic music. Young created the project while experimenting with music in his parents' basement. 

Adam Young created this song, because he was curious about the Space Shuttler Challenger Disaster, which happen in January 28, 1986. 

Adam Young, the mastermind behind Owl City, has this to say about the curious "January 28, 1986": 

"There's a track on the new record called January 28, 1986 and it features a clip from Reagan when the space shuttle Challenger blew up that same year and it's kind of a sobering... piece, and it stuck me. I was actually born that same year, '86, my parents always used to talk about it and so it was always on my mind growing up and I felt like it would be a good thing, to pay dues to that, and I've just out of respect feature a little interlude on the record, that Reagan quote, and the idea behind it is that it's kind of a precursor to the following track on the record called Galaxies, just to kind of set up the premise of the following song and it's just a short little interlude and it was a fun thing to do. I'm glad it came together."

The Space Shuttler Challenger Disaster ocurred when  Space Shuttle Challenger (mission STS-51-L) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Cape CanaveralFlorida. Disintegration of the vehicle began after an O-ring seal in its right solid rocket booster (SRB) failed at liftoff. The O-ring failure caused a breach in the SRB joint it sealed, allowing pressurized hot gas from within the solid rocket motor to reach the outside and impinge upon the adjacent SRB attachment hardware and external fuel tank. This led to the separation of the right-hand SRB's aft attachment and the structural failure of the external tank.Aerodynamic forces broke up the orbiter. As a result of the disaster, the Air Force decided to cancel its plans to use the Shuttle for classified military satellite launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, deciding to use the Titan IV instead.

Here is a video that includes the lyrics and the audio of the song:
Hope you like it!

I really like this song, because i didn't know about this disaster, and know i have a lot of information of it, i really do a lot of research to found an interesting song, i found a lot, but i want one song who give me new information, and this one did it. I found another one also interesting it talks about rapid-fire allusions to more than 100 headline events between January 1949 (Joel was born on May 9 of that year) and 1989, when the song was released on his album Storm Front; it's a good song, it doesn't have like a lot of information, but i like the rythm and the lyrics, it's named "We didn't start the fire" By Billy Joel, if you have time hear it, it is cool.